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Testimonies > Walking again!

Walking again!

Walking again!
After one of our programs we recieved a telephone call from one lady of 72 who had been watching us and praying with us!

She invited us to go and pray for her as she has not been able to walk for over three years. She was not able to stand alone nor was she able to walk alone without assistance from other people!

She had given up the upstairs floor of her house and was renting it to a renter since she had given up hope that she will ever walk again or even climb the stairs again!

A dear brother in Christ Anthony that attends River of love Fellowship came with me (Gordon-John) to share the love of Christ with this woman and her family!

The Lord showed up mightily in their house!

The Holy Spirit came down upon us all, so much that all the people present felt a strong presence of God. Some felt heat all over their body and others were moved into tears as the Lord overwhelmed all of us with His love! We were (6) six of us all togther!

All the other people that were present, were all Born Agian and gave their lives to Christ (John 3:1-8, Romans 10:8-13) and welcomed Him in their hearts to Him to be their Lord and Savior!

This dear sister in Christ who was unable to walk or move alone for over three years, was touched by the Healing power of Jesus and she was instataneously and miraculously healed!

Glory to God! We serve an awesome God, a true loving Father! The Word of God was preached and Jesus confirmed His Word with the miracluous, just as He promised!! Mark 16;20.

Thank God for habbejtek tv program!

(The sister whom God miracluously healed is still well/healed completely today and walking with the Lord, the true Lord, Savior, Healer of her life! All her family members that were there with us that day, are also walking with Christ as true Bible Believing Christians! A true testimony of Lina and her family.)

This is Christianity!

Jesus is the Word, and The Word is Alive!
(John1;1,14 and John 6:63,68)
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