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Testimonies > Healed From Eating Disorder

Healed From Eating Disorder

Healed From Eating Disorder
Since I was a little girl, food never attracted me. I used to prolong time going for lunch or dinner whenever my mother used to call me to join at the table. My mother used to lovingly prepare lunch and dinner and did her utmost to help me eat. I simply hated to eat. I used to pick at some food and leave the room to do something else.

When I grew up the situation remained the same. I used to take supplements and vitamins as I knew that I was not eating enough. I was worried as I was always quite thin. I always felt that I had something sitting on my stomach and I didn't know what it was. I was quite a tense person though. The least problem or difficulty resulted in my not eating whatever I had on my plate.

When I met my cousin Mariella last summer (2006), she introducted me to her husband Gordon and invited me to join them at "River of Love-Fellowship"-(Malta) for the prayer meeting that Gordon leads with dedication and love. I was very skeptical. Actually I felt shy and insecure at first. I kept asking myself what I was supposed to do and that people might laugh at me etc.etc.

But I went along and actually I felt immediately at ease when I saw that the people who were present were really nice. They talked to me and welcomed me immediately as if they had known me for ages. At one point, during the prayer meeting Gordon approached me and together with Mariella prayed Jesus for my healing.Gordon laid his hands on my head and shoulders and over my stomach and prayed. I remember that I was shaking from head to toe, felt very, very warm inside and I couldn't stop sobbing. It was as if something was covering me from the top of my head and shaking my insides. My stomach was also shaking and I also felt a 'burning' feeling but was not painful at all. Then I sat down and the trembling feeling eased slowly. I was feeling light headed but good.

I went home and that evening around three hours later, I started to feel different. I went out with my friends and at a certain point I told them "I am hungry. I need to eat." They both stared at me because they never ever heard me once say that I am hungry whenever we used to meet.

We went to a restaurant and I ordered together with my friends. When the food was served, I ate everything and I myself was astounded. I kept looking at my plate when I finished and burst out crying because I realized that I was healed.Jesus had healed me! I told my friends what had happened to me and they were amazed and really happy.

Until this day, more than a year later, I am eating healthily and with an appetite. I thank God for my healing, and for the food I eat daily. I enjoy eating it too. Thank God.

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