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38 2010/7/27 Great work!
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37 2010/7/25 Grazzi li ħa jsir kulljum!

Kuraġġ Gordon! Jiena dejjem narah il-program u grazzi talli ħa jkun kulljum anzi, tant nieħu pjaċir nisma is-siegħa nara ftit. Grazzi u proset.Carmen.

36 2010/7/25 Kemm qed tberikni!
Sandra Bartolo 

Grazzi kemm qed tberikni kulljum. Kemm ma kont naf xejn jaħasra. Grazzi mill-ġdid pastor. S.Bartolo. Żurrieq.

35 2009/11/26 I wish more people spoke like you!

How I wish there would be more believers that talk with the same love and passion you do. Not to be ashamed on tv etc...

34 2009/11/26 Elvis is great!
Margaret Abela 

I think Elvis is simply great on tv the way he puts forth questions. Praise God; he makes your teachings more inquisitive and complete.

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